July 31, 2024
Contact: Aaron Pelo, | 734.355.2741
Statement from Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron Bieber on Supreme Court’s “Adopt-and-Amend” Ruling
LANSING, Mich. – Today, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled the Republican-controlled legislature’s 2018 move to adopt two citizen-initiated petitions to raise the minimum wage and provide paid sick leave to Michigan workers into law, only to gut them later in lame duck session, was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court struck down the two laws passed by the Republican-controlled legislature using the adopt-and-amend scheme and ordered the citizen-initiated legislation to go into effect in February of next year. In response, Michigan AFL-CIO President Ron BIEBER issued the following statement:
“We commend the Court for ruling what we all clearly witnessed back in 2018. The Republican-controlled legislature’s flagrant disregard for the citizen initiative process has robbed Michigan workers of wages and sick leave for the past five years. Republicans in the legislature quite literally stole out of the pockets of Michigan workers and today’s ruling by the Supreme Court is the first step in righting this wrong and making workers whole.”
The Michigan AFL-CIO, Michigan’s largest labor organization, is a federation representing forty different labor organizations, eighteen different central labor councils, and eight constituency groups representing over 1 million union members and their families.