Date: March 20, 2025
Contact: Leah Leszczynski,, 989.316.6044
LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan labor movement stands united in its opposition to Speaker Matt Hall’s blatant disregard for the Michigan Constitution and urges lawmakers to immediately send the stalled pro-worker bills to Governor Whitmer for her signature.
“Speaker Matt Hall’s actions are an attack on democracy and an insult to people who work for a living,” said Ron BIEBER, president of the Michigan AFL-CIO. “These bills were passed by duly elected representatives of the people. Refusing to send these pro-worker bills to the governor is not how democracy works. Trying to override the will of the people is not how democracy works. Speaker Hall does not get to pick and choose which laws are enacted. If he refuses to do his job, we won’t stop doing ours. We will use every tool at our disposal until these bills become law.”
Every day of delay by Speaker Hall makes it more difficult for tens of thousands of Michigan workers and their families to make ends meet. Workers across Michigan recognize the bills are commonsense reform and are making their voices heard.
“Speaker Matt Hall is stalling critical pro-worker legislation, putting politics and corporate interests ahead of Michigan’s working families. His delay tactics make it clear where he stands – and it’s not with the people who build our cars, teach our kids, and keep our communities safe and running,” said Laura Dickerson, UAW Region 1A Director. “Lansing lawmakers have a real opportunity to improve wages, healthcare, and pensions for countless working people across our state. The UAW won’t accept political games at the expense of working-class Michiganders. We expect these bills to move forward immediately – and for Governor Whitmer to sign them into law without delay.”
“When people can’t afford care, they often go without it. As nurses whose job it is to save lives, it angers us to know Speaker Hall is playing games to make it harder for Michigan’s public servants to get the care they need,” said Jamie Brown, RN, president of the Michigan Nurses Association. “Speaker Hall’s refusal to send these bills to the governor is a slap in the face to Michigan’s working class and shows complete disregard for the importance of affordable health care.”
“An injury to one is an injury to all,” said Donald (Donnie) Blatt, United Steelworkers District 1 Director. “These bills protect hardworking people — many of them public servants — and Hall’s power trip is creating unnecessary hardship for working families. He will not win. Workers built this state, and our hard-working members shouldn’t have to worry about their access to affordable healthcare.”
The Michigan AFL-CIO and its affiliated unions represent over 1 million active and retired working people across the state and are committed to continuing to hold Speaker Hall accountable.